The Human City lies, in the night,
Darker than ever, though 'tis filled with light.
The evil aura of that vile race
Hangs around it, heavily laced
With Pollution-both Physical and in the Mind.
Everything around it, slowly sank,
The once-beautiful now decayed and dank...
Mother Nature herself cries to see
How cruelly so-called 'Humanity'
Destroys all that was peaceful, sweet and kind.
In those rectangular, unnatural dwellings,
And on those streets, are being done vile things.
Look in that house, that creature foul,
Angry, reeling, drunk as an owl-
Advancing on his bruised and beaten child.
And that girl, in that lonely street,
Cowering in fear, chased by savage Beasts...
Exhausted running, now trying to hide,
Staring wildly around on every side,
As they creep up, unnoticed, from behind.
The City crouches, hungry, hunting,
Concealed in smoke of its own making...
Hearts destroyed in the search for gain
Planting malice, reaping pain-
Evil itself, personified.
The Heavens look on with tortured Eyes,
As the power of the Devil continues to rise...
Faith in the Almighty fades away
Endless Night arrives, preceding no day,
Bringing Chaos, as order unwinds.
The people degrade into savage creatures...
Greed and rage their defining features,
Their hearts filled with desire
As they burn in an eternal Fire
Bringing Hell to Earth, as the End arrives...
Brilliant man..